Sexual trivia time! Can you pass?

It’s time for some sexual trivia questions! How much of the basic stuff do you know?

According to Wikipedia, “In the United States, sex education is taught in two main forms: comprehensive sex education and abstinence-only as part of the Adolescent Family Life Act, or AFLA. Comprehensive sex education is also called abstinence-based, abstinence-plus, abstinence-plus-risk-reduction, and sexual risk reduction sex education.”

So in other words, American sex ed is shame-based and teaches avoidance. These adolescents grow up to be adults with this shame based mindset ingrained in them. Therefore, even adults are misinformed about basic sexual education.

Sex is a part of life and is essential to make the world go round. Not only for reproductive purposes, it is human expression. Increasing awareness and being knowledgeable about our sexuality not only nourishes our mind, body and soul, it nourishes everyone around us.

We have some basic sex trivia questions for you!

The Sex Pop Quiz

Take the quiz to see how much you know or how much you can learn! Share with friends and compare results!

When our sexuality is embraced, other areas of our lives are as well. There is no such thing as being whole without embracing the sexual nature.

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