You can have amazing safe sex. This is how you enjoy condoms

MOST PEOPLE DON’T know how to use condoms correctly and the options available. And there’s a good chance YOU don’t either.

Do condoms kill the feeling?

Actually, NO.

Let’s be honest here. Too many people are not practicing safe sex. Most people feel like sex is less pleasurable with condoms. But how many people ever stop to think “How can I make condom sex feel BETTER? How can I emjoy condoms more?Condom sex is probably lame to some people because they aren’t using them correctly and unaware of the variety condom companies made available to us. Especially online.

Okamoto 004 Aloe Ultra Thin Condoms / 24-Pack

You’re in the right spot for condom sex tips and how to enjoy condoms.

Tips to enjoy condoms during sex.

  1. Make sure you are putting them on correctly. This is one of the most important condom sex tips. There’s a little tip at the end of condoms that must be squeezed as you roll down the condom. This way, there is room to ejaculate and it keeps it from breaking. Watch the video below.
  1. Even though some condoms come already lubed, it doesn’t hurt to put in/on a little extra. Before putting a condom on a penis, put a few drops of one of our favorite lubes inside of the condom. This increases pleasure for the penis. Putting too much can make the condom slip off.
  1. Get some ultra thin condoms. Condom companies are making condom sex more pleasurable by making some of the thinnest condoms. Kimono Micro Thin Condoms and Skyn condoms are two companies that most people swear by when it comes to thinness. Skyn condoms being the most popular of the two.
  1. Find some textured condoms. Increase your partner’s orgasm by providing them extra stimulation with texture. Rough Rider condoms are highly rated for this. Textured condoms gives a light sensational feel. My personal favorites are the ones that look like tiny little bumps.
  1. Reduce the tire shop smell. There are many companies that provide condoms with less odor and Okamoto is a company that is praised for this. I’ve been using Okamoto condom myself- they are ultra thin condoms and insanely good. NO SMELL! Not only is there no smell, they are super thin and do not irritate my vagina at all. You will never go back once you use an Okamoto condom.
  1. Try different materials. Condoms don’t only come in latex. Latex is the most durable but there’s other options for those who are allergic.  Condoms also come in polyisoprene- a type of synthetic rubber that doesn’t contain proteins that usually trigger an allergic reaction that latex has. There’s also lambskin which is a thin membrane made from lamb and polyurethane. 
  1. Make sure it’s the right fit. This a time where size absolutely matters. A huge reason why people don’t enjoy condom sex is because they’re not using the right size. Be real with yourself and get the correct size. Getting them too big or too tight is simply uncomfortable for both parties.
  1. Try positions where the one being penetrated has their legs closed (but holes out). This snugness makes things enjoyable for both parties. Squeezing legs together makes things tighter.
  1. Skip the drugstore! BUY CONDOMS ONLINE and explore your options in the links below. Most online condom stores will instruct you how to buy condoms.

So do condoms kill the feeling? NO! You can still feel maximum pleasure with condoms.

Once again, you will never go back after using an Okamoto condom. They are seriously incredible. These ultra thing condoms have no smell, no irritation and are super thin.

Protect yourself! Make it fun, try some colors, try glow in the dark- there’s a whole world of condoms out there. Hope you know how to buy condoms now.

Make your sex life great by clicking on the links below.